30 acres of CRP with country road frontage on two sides located 1 mile southeast of Johnsonville, IL
Legal: 30 acres more or less being the SW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Sec. 22, T1N R6E off the 3rd P.M., Wayne County, Illinois, less and except the SE ¼ of the above described tract of land.
Directions: From Johnsonville, IL go East on Route 161 1 1/2 miles to County Road 1025E, then go South 1/2 mile to County Road 1750N, then go West 1 mile, the property is on the North side of the road.
Lot Size: 30 acres
Price: $96,000 ($3200/ac)
Tillable Acres: 30.25 acres in CRP @ $84.42/ac = $2,553/yr. Contract expires 9/30/2019
Mineral Rights: Sellers retain 1/2 of their mineral rights for 20 years or as long as production exists thereafter.
Possession: At closing.
Rent Agreement: N/A
Soil Types Tillable Acreage: Passport, Bluford, Belknap, Ava, Hickory-Passport, Bluford
Crop Productivity Index: 95.4
Real Estate Taxes:
This is a great income producing property that is priced to sell. The property has country road frontage on two sides, excellent building locations, and could easily be put back into row crop production once the CRP contract expires.